Hearing Is Believing...

Tour 6 - The Solution

Enter the Tri-Phazer.

Producing unheard of gains In sonic clarity, definition, and power handling!

Tri-Phazers will breathe new life into your system, GUARANTEED!

What is it?

The Tri-Phazer is not an effects plug-in, nor a filter, nor any kind of electrical phase-altering gadget, although the name would suggest otherwise.

A Tri-Phazer is, however, a sound conditioner.

    • Tri-Phazer Technology works passively using signal reclamation rather than signal processing. This prevents any further compounding of the skew distortion.
    • Tri-Phazers work completely transparent In a system, exhibiting no measurable characteristics that "color, enhance, or alter" the sound. Instead, they work to restore the sound back to an original, unprocessed state
    • Tri-Phazers work with your existing gear and help it to perform like it was intended.

Simply put, Tri-Phazers fix the electrical problem with signal transfer that is present in every piece of gear.

So, there is skew and there is a Tri-Phazer. Now how does the Tri-Phazer work to correct this phenomenon?


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